Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Cycling in One-Way Streets

Whenever there is a new proposal for a one-way street then local residents are, quite rightly, consulted: however, many proposals concern that are quiet and frequented by cyclists who are not necessarily residents.

We have persuaded the City Council to widen their consultation process so that the views of all people using the road are collected. In addition, we have asked that contraflow cycling is considered when new one-way schemes are proposed.

With the city-wide introduction of the 20 mph speed limit on minor roads this is now a very practical solution providing there is sufficient carriageway width.

Many of you will be familiar with Paradise Street where there is a contraflow cycle lane.

Stafford Road in Southsea has a workable arrangement where only bicycles are allowed to enter the road from Victoria Road South. The Cycle Forum has started to compile a list of one-way streets where we think that contra flow cycling is practical.