Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

City Traffic Light Review

As you may have read in the Portsmouth Evening News, the City Council is conducting a review of traffic signals across the city with the aim of removing ‘failing’ signals.  The News reported on 31 December that Councillors Fazackarley (executive member for traffic and transportation)  and Stubbs (conservative group spokesman for traffic and transportation) have toured the city with taxi drivers to understand their views on which junctions work and which don’t.

Tells Us What You Think

It is obviously vital that the views of cyclists and pedestrians are adequately and fairly represented in this process.  Traffic lights are there for the safety of all road users, not just to maximise the earning potential of cabbies.  Portsmouth Cycle Forum has written to the Councillors to request that they conduct both a cycling and walking tour of lights in company with members of the cycle forum. In order for us to effectively plan this we need to know what traffic light controlled junctions you think are a problem for cyclists/pedestrians and why.  Please use the ”Contact Us” page to do this.