Portsmouth City Council is currently developing masterplans for the redevelopment of the city centre and the seafront. We have spoken about these at our meetings and many people have attended information events about these plans and hopefully responded to the consultation.
The consultation process closes today. Portsmouth Cycle Forum has responded to the consultation on behalf of our members, and you can read our response using this link:
Portsmouth Cycle Forum Response to the City Centre and Seafront Masterplans
We think these plans are a real opportunity to revolutionise our city and improve the lives of everyone in it. Unfortunately the success of the plans depends on solving the city’s critical transport problems and tackling the congestion, pollution, illnesses, injuries and inequalities that arise from them. In our view the masterplans fail in this regard, despite some good intentions. PCF will aim to work with the city council to improve and develop these plans.
If you’d like to let PCC know what you think about the plans then you can read them and respond here:
But remember today, Friday 14th September, is the last day you can respond.