Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Campaign issues in Chichester

ChiCycle, the Chichester cycle campaign group, have alerted us to the following issues affecting cyclists who use routes to and through Chichester:

Emperor Way

The potential imminent closure of the Emperor Way Cycle and Footpath near the Fishbourne Roman Palace. This is a permissive path and there is a very real fear that the path will be closed in December.

We hope to show the Trustees, when they come for a meeting on Wednesday 24th October, that the path is well used and loved.  If you can please come to the Palace from 6.30 pm. ChiCycle are hoping to arrange a free BBQ.

We know that many cyclists are confident enough to use the A259 but please do support this campaign as some people are not so brave with main roads.

Fishbourne Pedestrian Level Crossing

The current pedestrian level crossing between Fishbourne Road and Westgate is to be replaced with a bridge. A bridge over the railway at Fishbourne will, we fear, put people off cycling or alternatively encourage cyclists to take the riskier road which is a slipway to the A27.

Pedestrian Level Crossing in Fishbourne

The planning Application no is 12/03640/FUL. You can log on Chichester District Council website to register views.

There are issues of width (2.00 metres) meaning that cycling may well be banned on the bridge. The extra length involved is 240 metres and the hairpin bends are very tight for trailers.  There is no designated cycling path on the bridge although this was one of the criteria that Network Rail was asked to consider in order to accommodate cyclists in the Planning Statement.  Cyclists and pedestrians will have to cross each other’s paths - please see attached plan.

Please can you ensure that all members of your group with tandems, trailers, tag-a-longs etc contactpaul.donald@networkrail.co.uk with the measurements as the planners are thinking they may need to make the bends larger to accomodate all users.