Portsmouth Cycle Forum held its Annual General Meeting last night at Eastney Community Centre in Bransbury Park. The main business of the AGM was to report on the actions and accounts of the cycle forum for the year just gone and to appoint an executive committee charged with directing the actions of the forum for the coming year.
The reports from the chair and treasurer were both accepted without change.
- Read the report from the chair
- Read the report from the treasurer Unfortunately the chair of the forum, John Holland, has decided to step down from the role after many years of unstinting service. Happily, John whill continue to serve on the committee and work to improve the lot of cyclists in the city. Portsmouth Cycle Forum owes John a debt of gratitude for his hard work and wise direction. Very many thanks John.
The committee for the coming year was then elected, the new committee members being:
- Chair: Jon Spencer
- Vice Chair: Hilary Reed
- Treasurer: Roger Inkpen
- Secretary: Pamela Wilkie
- Committee members: Chris Cheetham, Mike Dobson, Steve Franklin, John Holland, Joe McGannan, Tim Parker and Jayne Rodgers
The full minutes of the meeting can be read here.
The other business of the meeting covered:
- Mayor Boris’s recently announced cycle strategy for London (view the presentation);
- The progress of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund in Portsmouth;
- A report on our ongoing infrastructure campaings. The meeting benefitted from the presence of Councillor Jason Fazackarley, the cabinet member for traffic and transportation in Portsmouth. Amongst other things Jason has promised to take a bike tour of Portsmouth with members of PCF to help him understand which roads and junctions don’t work for cyclists. That should happen sometime in May.
Many thanks to everyone who came and I look forward to your support for the coming year. If you are a member of PCF please don’t forget to renew, and if you are not a member why not consider joining. The subscription is only £5 and we strive to provide a representative voice for all cyclists in the city.