Portsmouth Cycle Forum has put together two responses to the development plans for the Northern Quarter redevelopment in the city centre. The first deals with Portsmouth City Council’s plans to change the road system to support the new development. We are concerned that cyclists and other non-motorised users are not adequately provided for in the proposed road network design. For the road design to be successful it is essential that safe, attractive and convenient routes are provided for cyclists both to access the new development and to bypass it. These routes should be well connected to the existing cycle network. In our view these aims are not achieved in the current design.
Read our full response to PCC on the road system plans.
We also responded to the developer Centros’s plans for the development itself. We made it clear in our response that for the development to work it needs to welcome and cater for cyclists from the outset.
Read our full response to Centros on the development plans.
Please note that both of the above are at the pre-planning stage. Full planning applications are expected early in 2014.