Our next meeting is on Thursday 20 March 7pm at the Discovery Centre, Portsmouth RC Cathedral.
We’ll be reviewing the outcomes of the last two meetings and forming our plan about how we can put the ideas into practice. Remembering the support given by Gerald Vernon-Jackson (leader of PCC) at the last meeting we’ll be fleshing out our plan to catch up with Bristol. We’ll be looking for volunteers from the floor to start working something up - if you fancy getting involved - or just to find out more - come along!
This is also our annual general meeting. We have a committee that discusses campaigns and priorities of the Forum and we need to elect executive members for this. No experience is needed and you can give as much of your time as you can afford – so this is an invitation to stand. We have elected positions for Chair, vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary as well as up to 9 more committee posts to fill.
We’d love some fresh faces and fresh ideas on our committee - why not come along and put yourself forward. PCF has made real progress of late and is really starting to develop traction in the civic offices. We need to build on that but I believe we need enthusiastic members on our committee. I hope some of you will think seriously about this and ask yourselves - if not me then who?
Contact us if you’d like to be part of our committee.
Attached here are the chairman’s report and AGM: