Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Our Cycling Manifesto

With local elections approaching we dusted off our Cycling Manifesto we sent out to councillors at the last elections in 2012.  Last time we only sent it to existing councillors with limited response, but this time we’ve updated it and sent it out to every candidate in every council ward – that’s 77 in all!  We also gave them a bit more time to respond and we’ll update you on this nearer the election.


Dear Councillor/Candidate

We seek your support for our Manifesto for better everyday cycling facilities in Portsmouth, for all ages, residents, workers and visitors.

Please would you be kind enough to let us know before the election what actions you would take to help Portsmouth Cycle Forum to achieve its goals.

We believe that the following would help to bring this about in Portsmouth:

We hope that you personally will send us a brief message of support for our Portsmouth Cycling Manifesto before the election on Thursday 15 May. Please do contact us if you have any queries at all.

Yours sincerely

Jon Spencer, Chair

Portsmouth Cycle Forum