Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Open Meeting

The next PCF public meeting takes place on Thursday 15th June at 7pm. Anyone is welcome, whether they are a member or not, so please spread the word!

Once again we’ll be meeting in Lecture Theatre 2 of the Richmond Building at the University of Portsmouth.

Our speakers will be Councillor Suzy Horton, Deputy Leader of Portsmouth City Council and Councillor Charlotte Gerada, Labour Party Group Leader.

They will be discussing the issues around active travel policy in their respective parties and how these can be used to improve the situation for those not using motor vehicles to travel around the city. As a reminder, we sent the same set of questions to each party prior the recent Local elections. Only the Labour Party responded with any answers.

We’ll also give a quick update on the various schemes currently being implemented or consulted upon - as far as we can.

New Traffic and Transport Cabinet member Gerald Vernon-Jackson was invited, but is unable to attend on this date and so we have left the invite open for a future meeting.

Note - our next public meeting is currently pencilled in for Thursday 12th October 2023, so add the date to your diaries!