Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

April committee meeting

April committee meeting

We are busy preparing for our Annual General Meeting on 22nd April and are looking forward to seeing lots of our members now - we have over 400 members at the moment. Remember that membership is still free - you just need to sign up to the mailing list or join the facebook group to join.

Emergency Active Travel Fund measures were also a hot topic, we’ll be asking PCC to keep them past the end of social distancing and consult on their long term future. 

We’ll be writing to the main political parties this week to ask for their views on cycling ahead of the upcoming elections, and hope to share an article on our website. 

And finally… roadworks. Following a few recent incidents that left people cycling with no diversion route or obvious options, we’re now starting to keep a log of roadworks and where they’re causing issues for cycling so we can discuss this further with PCC and Colas. If you spot anything out there that needs improving, please flag it on the Facebook group.