Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

December committee meeting

December committee meeting

Committee Meeting Summary - December 2020

Of course, top of the agenda this month was the removal of the Elm Grove pop up cycle lane. PCF has published a response to the trial here and will be pushing PCC to protect the pre-existing cycle lanes as they are already being used as a car park. 

We discussed updates on PCC’s Transforming City’s schemes which, are mainly bus improvement schemes, but do offer some improvements for cycling on some bus routes into the centre from Fareham and Waterlooville for our members who live on the outskirts or outside of the city. 

On membership - we now have 444 members. We base this figure on people who have formally signed up to the mailing list. Not all members are on facebook. We also discussed use of our facebook group and how we will review the rules of membership to the group. 

In fantastic news, after a whole year out of action, our website is back up and running! It’ll take us a while to reload all the content but we look forward to sharing more with all our members in the new year. 

Our biggest action for the coming weeks is to finalise our response to the Local Transport Plan 4 consultation. You can find the document here and have your say in PCC’s survey. Please do take a look - these plans only happen every 15 years or so, so it’s very important that everyone has the chance to have their say. The deadline for comments is 21st December. 

The Debenhams Southsea (Handleys’ Corner) planning application decision meeting was postponed this week. We responded to this application saying that it should look to fund improvements for cycling on Osborne Road and Portland Road, and improve access to the planned cycle parking facilities in the basement. Hopefully, these are part of the considerations the developer is making before it resubmits. 

Open meetings are back! We will be hosting our first online open meeting on 21st January. Keep an eye on your emails for our upcoming newsletter for details - we look forward to seeing you there! 

Finally - the committee would like to take this opportunity to wish our members a very safe and merry Christmas. Happy cycling!