Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

February committee meeting

February committee meeting

Are you zoomed out yet? Think of us, on a Friday night still going at 8pm for our monthly committee meeting! Still - it’s always a good opportunity to share ideas with beers. 

So what’s happened this month?:

We’ve also received the data from PCC for all cycle count sites for 2019 and 2020 so we’re looking forward to a big analysis session - if any of our members have good statistical analysis skills - we’d love to have your help. 

Finally, at our AGM in April, we will be looking for at least a new Secretary and Treasurer to take up their posts, but are always interested in more people joining us to share the workload and contribute to better and safer cycling in Portsmouth. If you have specific skills or interests to offer please do get in touch.

Agata Blazevic officially joined the committee tonight. We’re really happy to welcome her and look forward to the benefit of her experience as a cargo bike mama!