Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

May committee meeting

May committee meeting

And they’re in. Election results are back and the PCF committee poured over the details of who won what ward. Several new members are known for their positivity to cycling, others are open to learn, and others hmmm, well there might be some convincing to do - but we have evidence on our side. We will be writing to all new members to invite them to pop along to an open meeting, or feel free to ask us anything cycling related.

We talked about how good the AGM was this year, and that the online set up may actually have helped engagement by giving more members a voice to share their experiences and suggestions. We’re committed to having more events like this in the future, as well as opportunities to meet up, when we can. We’d be very pleased to hear from anyone who fancies coming along to a committee meeting (currently on zoom) to see what’s involved and maybe dip their toes in the water of volunteering with us.

Roadworks was another hot topic - there seems to have been an influx into the city of roadworks that have been very poorly (if at all) considered the needs of cycling. We’re reporting these where we see them but are now keeping a log so if you spot something, give us a shout out on the facebook pages so we can check it out. We’re gathering evidence to share with PCC and Colas to show them just what an impact this is having, and see if we can work with them to do better. 

Wishing you a happy weekend - looks like you might need your wet weather gear (again!)